Vaccines Don’t Protect: Exposing The Vaccination For Immunity Fraud

Natural Society March 3 2013

There are two primary guilt trips used on parents who refuse vaccinations for their children. The first is absurd enough to be laughable – the peer pressure tactic of not letting children who weren’t vaccinated around parents’ vaccinated children. But if your kids were vaccinated, they’re supposed to be protected. right?

Actually, many children contract the disease vaccinated against. After looking at some hard facts, maybe they just aren’t protected.

The vaccine industry insists that it’s goal is to create herd immunity by vaccinating at least 90% of a given population. Seeing as vaccines are also a business, that’s a money maker for sure. Also referred to as herd immunity, this 90% vaccination rate depicts a scenario where nobody gets the disease that was vaccinated against, even the ten percent who weren’t vaccinated.

And there’s the second guilt trip, impeding herd immunity by not having children receive a vaccination.

A Few of Those Recent Herd Immunity Hard Facts

2012 study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the San Rafael, California Kaiser Permanente Medical Center concluded that whooping cough, pertussis, occurs more among vaccinated children than children not vaccinated for pertussis with the DtaP vaccine that replaced the DTP vaccine.

As a matter of fact, pertussis has been on the rise since pertussis vaccinations have increased. In 2010, a mumps outbreak occurred among 1000 children in upper New Jersey and lower New York. Almost 80% of them had been vaccinated with MMR (measles, mumps & rubella) vaccine.

Throughout the 1980s, official agencies reported several outbreaks of measles occurring among children who had been vaccinated in various locations including an Illinois junior high and high school, a Massachusetts high school, a region in France, and a rural area near Helisinki, Finland.

Both USA schools had well over 90% vaccinated against measles. That’s the herd immunity mark for a given population. The bogus herd immunity claim serves to create more revenue while blaming parents who refuse vaccinations for endangering humanity.

Meanwhile, despite the fact that no more than 5% of vaccine adverse events get reported to the “voluntary” FDA’s vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS), there are many serious adverse events, including deaths, reported with many seeping through the cracks to vaccine concerned internet sites.

The DTP (diptheria, tetanus, pertussis) vaccine has had a very high infant mortality rate, which is why it was replaced with the DtaP vaccine for pertussis around 1996. Though not as often, brain inflammation still occurs from the DtaP vaccine, which is not so effective for preventing pertussis after all.

Brief Historical Summary of the Vaccination Fraud

You might be thinking , wasn’t herd immunity created with vaccinations against polio and smallpox as well? Several outspoken doctors, including Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Russell Blaylock have illustrated with graphs that those diseases were on the way out when their vaccines were introduced. And the polio like paralysis events that continues to occur, especially among those vaccinated against polio, are simply given different names now.

It’s no secret from reality, though unreported by the mainstream media that many, many Pakistani, Indian, and African children are becoming paralyzed now from a campaign, supported largely by Bill Gates, to heavily dispense oral polio vaccines to third world countries.

Beginning to Now

The concept of vaccinating with pathogenic material to immunize began in 1796, when British apothecary (pharmacist) Edward Jenner inserted cowpox pus under the skin of an eight year old boy. Jenner based his experiment on an unsubstantiated rumor that anyone who had experienced cowpox would be immune to smallpox.

Over the next couple of years, Jenner vaccinated others with cowpox to immunize them against smallpox. Without any actual proof of efficacy and safety, Jenner impressed King George III enough that he was awarded the equivalent of today’s half-million dollars.

Jenner was the first medical professional to administer diseased matter as medication to a healthy person and receive a substantial financial award. He was also the first to constantly denounce vaccination detractors successfully to protect both his large public purse and ego.

Today, vaccine developers create patents that enable them to receive royalties after they’ve been funded for their research.

But many health professionals throughout the 19th Century knew that there had been several cases of smallpox among those with cowpox histories. So even Jenner’s premise was flawed.

England’s post vaccination incidents of smallpox rose steadily from five percent in the beginning to 95% by 1895. There was even a serious epidemic around 1872, one year after smallpox vaccinations were decreed mandatory in the UK. The mortality rate among smallpox victims also shot up five fold around that time.

Despite intelligent arguments with obvious facts and figures disproving efficacy and proving harm from toxic materials and viruses contained in vaccines, the inoculation for immunization mythology has been maintained since then.

Protecting the public from the truth and the vaccine industry against financial loss by attacking reasonable dissenters viciously has resulted in a vaccine industry revenue of $17 billion annually. And MDs often receive bonuses for administering them.

Do your own (deep) research and don’t get duped by vaccine-related peer pressures for you or your children – there are plenty of vaccine dangers to uncover.

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2 thoughts on “Vaccines Don’t Protect: Exposing The Vaccination For Immunity Fraud

  1. I really don’t know how Bill Gates can live with himself as he has to know the death and destruction he is promoting! I would like a history of the so called ELITE and their childrens vaccinations! I’ll bet they don’t get one! It would be a good story wouldn’t it!!!!

  2. Herd immunity is such a lovely term to apply to children. Seems like that term would be enough to set off alarm bells in any parent.

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