Live It. Own It. Mean It.

Live It. Own It. Mean It.Lorna Bevan – If you’ve been feeing scattered, lost, without an anchor or a purpose recently, take heart – the planets are moving on. On Monday, Mercury turns forward in Taurus and clarity gradually returns. Start tying up loose ends, finishing projects and resolving outstanding issues.

On Tuesday May 16th, gas giant Jupiter enters Taurus for the first time since 2011 to stay until May 2024. Less than 24 hours later the Great Expansionist squares Pluto in Aquarius, Mars in Leo and conjuncts the Node of Fate in Taurus. Continue reading

New Moon / Eclipse Update

New Moon in Aries with a partial solar eclipse is Wednesday, April 19th at 10:12 PM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

New Moon / Eclipse UpdateLena Stevens – The nature of this moon is charged and full of opportunities but you have to be paying attention. Great transformation can occur and doors may open for new possibilities, new cycles and for taking a bigger leap of faith than you thought possible in the past.

It can also be a dynamic time of facing permanent closures of a karmic nature and of moving full heartedly into something you have contemplated and worked towards. There can also be surprising situations that appear which can be either positive or challenging or sometimes both. This is where attention, focus and staying present will serve you well. Continue reading

A New Moon of Depth, Revelation, and Redemption

A New Moon of Depth, Revelation, and RedemptionHenry Seltzer – The New Moon in Pisces of late Sunday evening on February 19th, for the west coast, early morning on the 20th for points east, including Europe, is a rather strong lunation, with aspectual connections to Trickster Uranus, bringing surprise events and intuitional realizations.

This New Moon makes close aspects as well to Venus, Pluto, and the new ‘Nature’ planets Haumea and Makemake. These latter two astrological energies go to depth within the psyche, so that there is reason to believe that the week and indeed the thirty days that follow this event will be an opportunity to tune in far more deeply to intuitive information arising from unconscious levels that are actually more significant in steering our pathway forward than are commonly given credit for. Continue reading

New Moon Update – Set Intentions

New Moon Update - Set IntentionsLena Stevens – In this month of crises and retrogrades, we have had an opportunity to go within and find resilience, stamina, wisdom, and inner strength through reflection and exploration of our inner self rather than focusing on the outer.

The Equinox (on the 22nd at 7:03 PM MDT) brings an invitation for endings and beginnings, and the new moon in Libra (Sunday the 25th at 3:54PM MDT) opens the field of simplicity, balance and greater intuition. There is lots of support during this new moon for seeing the bigger picture of your life with more clarity and vision. Continue reading

August 27, 2022 New Moon Update

New Moon in Virgo is Saturday, August 27  2022Lena Stevens – This new moon supports the Courage and Determination themes of the month and you will feel a strong desire for change and forward movement, all fired up and ready to go! It is important to be practical and not impulsive when using this new moon to plan and organize your next steps. Be inspired and push the boundaries a bit but with some grounding. Remember to tap into the truth of what you are passionate about as the fuel for your intentions. Continue reading