Steps for Navigating This Powerful Upcoming Year

Steps for Navigating this Powerful Upcoming YearDaniel Scranton – “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We know you so very well, and it is our desire for you to know yourselves more fully and completely. We desire you to know yourselves not only as a concept, but rather, we also want for you to know what it is that you are thinking and feeling and how you are vibrating, because we know how important these things are to you and for you. Therefore, we often stress being grounded, being present, being hydrated and being aware. And really, these are the places where you start to grow spiritually. Continue reading

Embracing Adversity as a Catalyst for Personal Growth

Cultivating Resilience: Embracing Adversity as a Catalyst for Personal GrowthAmelia Harris – In the intricate tapestry of life, moments of boundless joy and unforeseen trials are interwoven. While our natural inclination is to seek out calm waters, it is within the tempestuous seas of adversity that we often find the greatest opportunities for personal transformation. The art of cultivating resilience transcends mere survival; it involves embracing challenges as catalysts for profound growth.

Join us on a profound journey into the heart of resilience, where we explore the remarkable potential of navigating life’s hardships not as stumbling blocks, but as stepping stones towards a more resilient, empowered, and enriched existence. Continue reading

The themes for August are “Change it Up, Create New Space!”

The themes for August are “Change it Up, Create New Space!”Lena Stevens – At this point we are all looking for things to change, for life to get better, for challenges to get easier, for efforts to have success, and to feel stronger, healthier and more motivated in our lives. We could have set the theme for this month as more letting go, more release and more discipline, but really the end result we all strive for is freedom from what holds us back from being able to experience the life we are wishing for.

This month is all about being disciplined and proactive in moving beyond the fixed and calcified places in your life, changing it up, and creating space for something new to actually have room to manifest. We are a culture of clutter, nostalgic in our hoarding of old emotional wounds, physical stuff we can’t seem to let go of, and what we cling on to as security in a changing world. Continue reading

The main theme for November is “A New Fertility”

A New FertilityLena Stevens – The first part of November, until the full moon on the 8th, remains an intense time between the 2 eclipses where anything can happen and the energy is tumultuous, unpredictable, somewhat accident prone, and can lean towards irritation, anger and restlessness. Remember that this is a time that supports transformational change and should be used wisely so don’t dwell on shortcomings and negativity.

Use this time as an important reset for yourself that may include some letting go of negative habitual behavior, addictions and situations that are toxic. Once we survive the next eclipse we have an opportunity to reboot our landscape and take a look at what we wish to initiate moving forward. Continue reading

Is Your Marriage Hindering Your Personal Growth and Peace of Mind?

Personal Growth In order to grow as a person and a professional, peace of mind is extremely important. If a marriage is hindering your peace of mind, it’s pulling your life down, and this could just as well be true for your partner as well. Now, the real question is, how is someone supposed to know when something is seriously wrong with their marriage?

Why Early Fights are a Cause for Worry

It is common to mistake frequent fights during the early stages of a marriage as a sign that the couple is going through a simple period of adjustment. This is a mistake because couples are almost always the most accommodating towards each other right after they get married. Continue reading