The main theme for November is “A New Fertility”

A New FertilityLena Stevens – The first part of November, until the full moon on the 8th, remains an intense time between the 2 eclipses where anything can happen and the energy is tumultuous, unpredictable, somewhat accident prone, and can lean towards irritation, anger and restlessness. Remember that this is a time that supports transformational change and should be used wisely so don’t dwell on shortcomings and negativity.

Use this time as an important reset for yourself that may include some letting go of negative habitual behavior, addictions and situations that are toxic. Once we survive the next eclipse we have an opportunity to reboot our landscape and take a look at what we wish to initiate moving forward.

The theme of “a new fertility” is giving us the opportunity to re-evaluate how we think, what we believe and to move into a new way of being productive, sustainable and abundant. It is clear that the old ways are crumbling and what has been secure and supportive in the past is longer something we can rely on.

We are moving out of a very masculine, active, aggressive time and into a more feminine expression of support which includes a necessary attention to what is fertility and how are we bringing it into our lives.

To have the most fertile ground requires fertilizing it. Our fertilizer is the compost of our past patterns, experiences, lessons, trauma, grief, successes, disappointments, karmic relationships, challenges, opportunities taken, opportunities missed and anything else we have experienced in our past.

Turning the past into good fertile compost requires letting go of your attachment to it. This is the opportunity we have now; to release our attachment and any judgment of the past so it can become the fertile compost for our future.

When you plant a seed into fertile ground, you never know how it will manifest and what it will grow into. It takes trust to plant a seed for something new and to wait for right timing while the roots take hold before anything is visible above the ground.

This is the time frame we are in this month and it requires patience and keeping a “don’t know mind”. A little confusion and cloudiness about the future is a perfectly fine place to be as long as you have clarity in your heart about what is right for you. Courage may be needed to turn something that is no longer working in your life into some fertile ground for a new beginning.

Think of this as a highly creative time and a time where thinking and dreaming outside the box is necessary in order to break away from the limitations of old patterns and habitual behavior. We are encouraged to explore our inner desires and take a creative risk, planting seeds for our future that don’t rely on the past but rather hold the inspiration of the unknown.

There is a fine line between fear and excitement. Making choices and decisions out of fear is never justified. Making choices and decisions from a place of enthusiasm and excitement can open up a field of optimism and inspiration to feed the larger dream and desire.

It is important this month that you don’t get mired in feeling bad about yourself or judgmental of others. There is plenty going on in the world that you can disagree with, but it is best you stay in your own lane and be as neutral as possible about everything else. Being responsible for your own creations, happiness and future path is something to be aware of on a daily basis. If some sudden change occurs that disrupts your well-organized plans, try not to go into martyrdom and irritation but rather be open to something new coming in and see it as an opportunity to regroup and reset.

No matter what happens during the first part of the month, keep reminding yourself to be present and proactive and always make the choice to be optimistic, positive and inspired by what could be rather than disappointed about what is not.

How the month shows up:

You Personally

We are still in the period of deep inner transformation and personal growth. We are also still in the time frame where release, recycling and the decluttering of negative thoughts and old attachments holds a crucial space on our to do list.

There is a creative urge to change it up, to do something new and different and to show up more fully with purpose. This urge can bring some irritation if things are not flowing. The key is to look for what is flowing in without effort and to acknowledge and pay attention to the opportunity it may offer. When in doubt, don’t push. Even with things that flow easily right timing is important. Wait for it.

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SF Source The Power Path Nov 2022

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