The Impressive Benefits of Religion Explained

religiously activeMaybe you’ve strayed from your faith and are trying to find your way back. Or maybe you’re seeking out religion for the first time.

Either way, like many you may be wondering if there is any benefit to having faith in a higher power.

It turns out there are some serious, science-backed benefits of belief – for us and society.

Keep reading to learn more about some of the many benefits of religion.

Greater Health and Resilience

Being religious can lead to overall better health and resiliency.

Being religious is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Lower blood pressure and less hypertension are some other benefits.

And overall, religious involvement leads to shorter and fewer hospital stays.

A Longer Life

It turns out that having religious beliefs can lead to a longer life. Several studies have indicated that on average, people with religious beliefs live longer than those without.

Even taking into account gender and marital status, the average lifespan is 4 years longer. A second study found a slightly larger boost of 6 years.

The boost is believed to be due to the fact that religiously affiliated people often volunteer and belong to social organizations.

Greater Life Satisfaction

In addition to living longer, those who are religiously active report greater satisfaction in life.

Actively religious people are more likely to report themselves as being “very happy.” In some countries such as the U.S., the gap between actively religious and inactive is striking. In the former group, 36% of them report being very happy, as opposed to only 25% of the inactively religious group.

Goodwill and the Golden Rule

The Golden Rule states that you should treat others as you would want to be treated. It’s not a concept unique to one religion. All religions teach a similar concept of goodwill and being kind to others.

The Golden Rule encourages selflessness. It spurs us on to forgiving others and not holding grudges.

Do you want to be loved? Then love others. Do you want to be encouraged? Then encourage others.

The Golden Rule stands as a universal code for conducting good and being a better person.

Opportunity to Serve and Use Your Gifts

Speaking of being kind to others, religion allows us to serve others and use our gifts.

We can benefit others in our congregation, our friend group, and our family by using our gifts to enrich the lives of others around us.

Those gifts could include public speaking, leadership skills, being generous, and shepherding others.

Not sure what your gift is? You can find out more here.

The Real Benefits of Religion

While some may claim there are no or few benefits of religion, that’s not true. There are both benefits to the individual, such as health benefits, as well as benefits to society, such as helping the poor. Overall, it’s worth believing in God.

Be sure to check out the rest of our site for more articles on spirituality and other topics.

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Benefits of Religion Explained

One thought on “The Impressive Benefits of Religion Explained

  1. It’s great that you mentioned how people with religious beliefs live longer than those without. I’ve always wanted to be more religious but I just never found the right chance to start before. I heard there is a condensed online ministry now, so I should probably look into that.

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