The theme for October is: “Be Ruthless”

The theme for October is: “Be Ruthless”Lena Stevens – Just to clarify, being ruthless does NOT mean using it as an excuse to be nasty, mean spirited, judgmental or rejecting of others. Being Ruthless this month means being ruthless with yourself and resetting the habits of complaining and whining about your life into real action for improvement, evolution and change.

There is still an element of letting go of the dead weight as well as the opportunity to be open to receiving something new in its place. This will not happen unless you get off the fence and actually do something to improve your life.

Enough talk, enough planning, enough complaining. You deserve better and it is time to take advantage of the very potent energies we have this month with the 2 eclipses. You have the opportunity to finally set yourself on a new track by changing the story and giving up the attachment to anything of the past including all disappointments, successes, identities, traumas, resentments, and any way you hold yourself or others hostage to unresolved issues.

Don’t waste this time in ambivalence or judgment. The road ahead may not yet be clear but the road behind you should be very clear especially regarding what you do not wish to re-create.

The ruthlessness is personal. What have you been procrastinating? This reflects on all areas of your life; your health habits, physical self-care, discipline, relationships, unsatisfactory or toxic situations, personal environment, clutter, negative thoughts etc.

It is a big time of taking responsibility and raising your ability to have and receive something better. The month can certainly trigger irritation, impatience and resentment as you face what is no longer tolerable. Stay out of blame and be proactive with changing one small thing at a time. It may be painful to let go of some things, but if your intuition points to needing that release, focus on the space it will create for something new to be created.

The month is a highly creative time and a good connection with the earth is crucial. Without grounding it is easy to spin out and lose yourself in drama, scatter and confusion. Be ruthless about your daily practices and disciplines and you will be rewarded with good results.

Eclipses always bring about change. And, when there is change, something has to be released. As a collective, we are moving to a higher vibration and that in itself can be discombobulating. Working with the earth and staying grounded will help during these times where there can be a bit of chaos and uncertainty.

Watch for unnecessary aggression that stems from anxiety in yourself and others. The energy can be turbulent at times this month and it is necessary to trust that all is as it should be and that all is evolving in the right direction.

As always, we suggest you follow your intuition and the intelligence of your heart when making decisions and choices. This can be a truly transformative month if you stay disciplined, grounded, balanced and ruthless.

How the month shows up

You Personally

Ruthlessness here means making a complete inventory of your habits, relationships, attachments, patterns, practices, stories, discontents, irritations, grievances, and any ways you are living your life that does not make you happy or satisfied. This could be very discouraging however if you can be proactive and ruthless with the sorting process you will actually feel energized by what you are able to release and inspired by the space you create for something new.

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SF Source The Power Path Oct 2023

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