The Importance of A=432hz Music

“The comparison of pitch should not be limited to a few treble instruments, but should begin with drums and double-basses, and so proceed upwards. The process, lastly, should not be carried on by compelling all to tune up to the sharpest, but by bringing the sharper instruments slightly down to a medium pitch; this would obviate the constant need for cutting instruments to pieces which is now felt, and prevent the steady tendency to sharpen, which is ruining our voices, and rendering much classical music impossible to all but singers of rare and exceptional organization.” – W.H. Stone (Excerpt from “The Scientific Basis of Music 1878”)

“The whole force-field of Light rests on unity” -Kenneth G Mills

effectThe recent rediscoveries of the vibratory/oscillatory nature of the universe indicates that current contemporary A=440hz international concert pitch standard may possibly generate an unhealthy effect or anti-social behavior in the consciousness of human beings.

A=440hz as a standard for concert pitch possibly may bring an unnatural 8 Hz dissonant change in how we think. Our inner ear for example works on the basis of Phi dampening. The waters of our inner ears rely on Fibonacci spiral dampening through the seashell like structure of the cochlea to keep us feeling centered or grounded. This Fibonacci spiral shape helps cancel out certain inertial standing wave interference patterns, like a Helmholtz resonator, in order to keep us properly balanced with the natural environment around us. When the inner ear is in stress by artificial means, we can experience a type of “fog like” condition or feel “spaced out”.

The natural Phi shape of the cochlea can be found planet wide in a majority natural organic based life. DNA also operates on PHI and Fibonacci principles and can oscillate to protect itself from the environment and stress from dissonant interference patterns of mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Artificial equal temperaments of higher pitch may possibly effect the abilities of DNA to regulate our genetic makeup properly. DNA resonates the language of music and not syntax binary. DNA is a cosmic musical score operating triplets of rhythm at over 3000 beats per minute.

Truly all frequencies affect DNA and consciousness and DNA responds to the environment both local and non-local. No one frequency can be claimed be a magic one and only healing frequency as we exist as an infinite universal medium of dimension. Love is infinite in dimension and does not rely on one specific Hertz frequency to generate compassion and empathy.

There is without a doubt through my own observations, there is an intelligent cause of universal design leaving a resonant calling card of effect, although the cause is not generally accepted by realists of academia.

It exists as a life force of consciousness and awareness. You cannot step out of consciousness, but you can observe the different aspects of consciousness through resonant frequency of perception and imagination.

Limited perception of dimension may create a limited awareness in consciousness. To expand consciousness is to ‘see’ yourself from the concept of the observer awareness of the relative subject.

Seen from the consciousness position of the observer, sound appears to move in spherical resonant shock fronts, each creating interference patterns of overtones and undertones of cloud point frequency. This is interpreted through awareness as frequency dampening of spherical boundary layers, and from that effect comes the illusion of reality.

The English wordspell; ‘real’ is an abbreviation of the law term ‘re-al’ which means to represent the view of others. Reality is the accepted belief of others upon ourself, whereas our existence is the simple concept of ‘what is’.

Belief systems have caused more chaos and division to the peoples on the earth, than good.

Letting go of the illusion of belief is the simplest but hardest task for most people caught in the belief matrix of reality. Belief systems claim that sound travels in mechanical waves however, sound does not travel in waves, but instead, generates from an unseen cause of origin to which we observe the spherical effect though the latent perception of ‘visible’ light, which is processed as an effect, deep with the cortex.

Everything you experience as an ‘outside reality’ exists only ‘inside you’.
On the earth, we may experience that ‘inside existence’ through a medium of particles and spherical interactive fronts that create matter which is experienced through relative awareness.

The realm of the mind forms hypercubes of reality and vector straight line measurements (tools of effect) to anchor the ego, whereas the deep knowing of the heart is already at the center all things by feel. The best way to experience feeling centered, is to go out in nature and feel the existence of ‘what is’. Experience the wind in the trees, wet grass under your bare feet, or listen to the symphony of the waves upon a shore. These things bring the frequency of joy and oneness with all things. Trying to prove, measure, or calculate the infinite reality of the mind, just serves to separate the observer from the natural experience in the participation of simply, what is.
Memory is non local and to a certain extent, is connected to water. Water is a diamagnetic medium of memory much like a recording device. Changing frequency may also change the electric potential of which may alter and affect memory and perception by the slight change in charge within the water in our cells.

This is perhaps why A=440Hz and higher concert pitches can be perceived as a brighter, thinner, outward of the head, whereas concert pitch at A=432hz can be perceived as an inward experience of feeling. Our heart has more morphogenetic fields than the brain and is one of the first things to form in the womb, beating out the soliton pulse of cosmic musical DNA. We feel our emotional bodies from the heart and our solar plexus is the nerve cluster that senses those feelings like a microphone or transducer.

From my own observations, some of the harmonic overtone partials of A=432hz appear to line up to natural patterns and also the resonance of solitons. Solitons need a specific range to form into the realm of density and span from the micro to the macro cosmos. Solitons are not only found in water mechanics, but also in the breath between quarks and protons.

A measured phenomenon of effect that may support the idea of using A=432hz as a scientific concert pitch is also based on the amount of partials of A=432hz from a musical scale that seem to correlate to organic systems and the measurement of planetary movement, the Sun and Saturn for example. Saturn is one of the solar systems accurate time pieces and it orbits the procession ever 864 of its years (432 x 2).

Fulcanelli, the mysterious french master alchemist who wrote ‘Le Mystère des Cathédrales’ had this to say about Saturn when he deciphered the planetary cyclic cross at Hendaye: “…Saturn, because it is at the greatest distance from the sun of all the visible planets, has the longest “year,” taking a little less than 30 years to complete one circuit of the zodiac. This makes it the best precessional timekeeper of all the planets.

Saturn completes one precessional Great Year of 25,920 years every 864 of its “years,” a half cycle every 432 of its “years,” a quarter cycle every 216 of its “years,” and an eighth of a cycle every 108 of its “years.” This equals (108 x 30) 3240 years, or 45 degrees of precessional arc. We can continue counting in Saturn years down to 9, one 96th of the precessional year, or 3.75 degrees of arc and 270 earth years, which brings us to the alignment period of the galactic meridian and the zenith/nadir axis.

If we note when Saturn fell on a significant marker, such as the galactic center or antipode, then we can simply count Saturn cycles to mark the span of the Great Precessional Year. In this way, we could determine that if Saturn fell on the galactic antipode and made a station (since the earth is moving faster than Saturn, it appears as if it is overtaken, making it appear to stand still in the sky to mark the moment), then 432 Saturn cycles ago it was making a station at the same location, and would be doing so again at the completion of 864 Saturn cycles.” -Fulcanelli -open internet source.

Many ancient sites reflect the number 432 in their alignment to stars and planets and the earths path through space.

Avebury and Stonehenge for example, yield the numbers 432.

Continue reading @ Omega 432

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8 thoughts on “The Importance of A=432hz Music

  1. Thanks so much for this one Gillian, although I am only a budding musician this makes so much sense in my heart. Please put up more on this and some simple ways to implement this on midi/guitar so we can take off with this it will go far,far,far into the multiverse mmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Thank you Gillian–I checked your story and you are a violin player right? As a keyboard player I never devoted much thought to pitch.
    My website is There are some complete songs on there and on the CD page are all of our 23 Cds and sound samples.
    Here is a youtube of one of our songs–with apologies to Genesis, the Big Bangers and Michalangelo here it the story of creation as I recall it.

    How do I post a topic on Shift frequency?

    Love, B

    1. Hi Don! Yes, I played the violin into my 20’s, then moved in a different direction away from the instrument. The musicality remains. For this I am grateful. Thanks for posting your websites. Will take a look at your youtube and site. Just send me an email ( with your suggested post and I’ll be happy to review for possible posting. Blessings G

  3. The info when I learned about it years ago blew my mind. To think The Solfeggio scale was ended because it was healing the human body and put away in the churches archives and replaced with a tone harmful to the body was too much to handle. It’s why I studied to learn how to use Solfeggio tuning forks to heal with. You can hide something from the masses for a long time, but eventually it gets uncovered. And the Solfeggio scale came back into being despite the dark ones attempts to bury it forever….. VK

  4. Many thanks for this article. This is a bombshell when you consider the ramifications of our ignorance! More on this please folks

  5. This is fascinating. I can tune a sound module to A=432 and play Midis thru it and will experiment with this. I have run into this before but never took it seriously. The Silent Night at 432 feels fuller and mellower than then the one at 440.
    i have been a professional musician all my life as I am too lazy to work and too nervous to steal. There are some tracks on my website.
    Love, B

    1. Thanks for commenting, B. I too find the article most interesting. Thanks for letting us know about the tracks. Please post your website so SF readers can go have a listen. Blessings, G

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